I have been lucky in the fact that I have not had this app crash at ALL on me,yet. However;I find myself throwing my phone on the bed out of frustration from the very first level played. In theory this should be a great game, the controls are simple (but glitchy), the graphics and voice acting are great and the ability to add to your group is a great feature. But, I find that this game lacks in several areas that turn this game from a 5 star great game, to a 4 star could be fun game.First off is the weapons, you start with nothing and have to work your way up, which wouldn’t be so bad if you could use your weapon on more than2-3zombiesbefore it breaks and it didnt cost you $100+ to replace them. Now the money issue could be over looked if it wasnt for the fact that it takes you 2-3 rounds just to earn enough to buy a decent gun or sword (that breaks after only a few hits!). That aside health in this games another issue. Im not talking about finding health packs (which most of the time cant be found),I’m talking about how many hits it takes to kill you. In the beginning 5 zombies take your health down to 50%! After that you get a boss type zombie that takes you from 25% to 0% in one hit! You die so quickly in this game and there is no option for armor or health upgrades. Not only that but I find when you are trying to move your character just sits there,or moves in the opposite direction you told them to and right into certain death!At this point I have taken a Gus approach to this game, I play it because I payed $4 for it and I will get my money’s worth, and so that every time I loose after 1-4 rounds I can say “Good, I’m glad this game lives up to my expectations” like Gus does with his Coin card. In all it is a good game, the voice acting and graphics are great, It just seems like they where so eager to get this game out that they over looked some bugs and play ability for non hard core gamers make this game more trouble than its actually worth.
Yameayamue about Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens