Overall this game is great and really puts the strategizing into the players hands. You can roll out with a team on the offensive, or bunker down behind traps to stay safe. The scarcity and randomness of weapons, health and resources makes for a unique game experience every time.
As for what could be changed, there are a few key control issues that make surviving a struggle between you and the games interface, rather than you and the enemies.
First off, the RT staff is suicidal. They will run at any zombie unarmed unless you currently have them selected. I would suggest adding the option to command them to hold/defend their position, wherein they wont move until told otherwise. Also, as I just said, when an RT staffer is selected they wont run at enemies. Conversely, if you have the entire party selected, the RT staff will still run at every nearby enemy. If the whole party is selected, you should have full control of every character and thy shouldnt move unless commanded.
As for outright bugs, I have encountered three. The first is that health can drop in U reachable places, like inside of objects and on top of the curtains in the studio. The second bug occurred because of the control issues. The only way to prevent martyrdom is to constantly run the characters in a circle. This caused the protagonist to run through a wall, wherein I lost control of him and could not command him. He ran straight into a brute and died. The last bug is more an oversight, as Geoffs "aww yeah!" audio clip doesnt end, and you can hear someone explaining what to say next.
Once again, I really love the game. Cant wait to see all the kinks worked out!
JON SMIFF about Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens